Wood Working Wednesday – not many pictures

Not much going on in the wood shop this week.  I’ve been very busy with my writing projects – the book and my Lent series.  Both are taking more of my creative time than I would have expected.  I have managed a couple of things.  Three of the church mice were sold at the church auction – they didn’t think they could sell more.  We’ll find homes for the others as a couple of church members who could be at the auction have asked.

Last year I started on the filigree cross from the church’s tree wood:

progress so far - getting closer.

progress so far – getting closer.

Well, it got put on the shelf while we were doing the house remodel.  I’ve decided to put it back on the scroll saw and am working on it again.  I hope to have it done by Easter.  It’s a bit meditative to sit and the scroll saw and cut the fine patterns so I am making it a bit of a spiritual meditative exercise – I work on it for about 30 minutes a day.  I’ll post an updated picture next week.

The heart-shaped marquetry box isn’t doing so well, after cutting the marquetry I noticed a problem with the pieces I cut and now need to redo the whole thing.  I’ll get back to that after I finish the cross.

If you need me, I’ll be in the shop,


About Andrew Reynolds

Born in California Did the school thing studying electronics, computers, release engineering and literary criticism. I worked in the high tech world doing software release engineering and am now retired. Then I got prostate cancer. Now I am a blogger and work in my wood shop doing scroll saw work and marquetry.
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13 Responses to Wood Working Wednesday – not many pictures

  1. vonholdt says:

    very intricate work, what size/type blade are you using on the scroll saw?


    • Andrew says:

      The blade is a 2/0 regular blade. Some of the cuts are very small and anything bigger just doesn’t work. and I do burn through a lot of blades and the cuts take longer but I like the control I get with the small blades.


  2. Very beautiful! I really admire the your work!


  3. What a great project! You are multi-talented, Andrew.


  4. gpcox says:

    I know you say you are busy, but it is great to see your cross again – such craftsmanship!


  5. You must be a patient man with a steady hand. What size is it? ‘Like’ to thespiritkeepers comment above 🙂 .


    • Andrew says:

      Guess I do have some patients. The cross is about 18 inches tall and 12 wide. Each of the little cut outs are smaller than my thumbnail. I tried counted once, but lost track of the number of holes are 280.

      Liked by 1 person

      • My dad (much older than you) is/was a woodworking hobbyist. He never did anything so elaborate, more in the way of your mice with the cheese and tails. We used to look forward to our monthly Taunton Press magazines, his, Fine Woodworking and mine, Threads. It was so nice to come across your blog.


  6. That is some intensive work on that cross. You should try becoming a brain surgeon with all that precision.


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