Wednesday Woodworking – Kitty Ladder

For those of you who think I can’t indulge a cat more than I do. Here it is:


Miss Spot climbing down.

Miss Spot climbing down.

Yes, I put carpet on the ladder so it wouldn’t hurt my darling’s little feet.

Two of the cats have made the trip.  Spotty kitty was the first one we got a picture of.

Here’s Spot looking down at us lowly humans.

Looking down from the heights.

Looking down from the heights.

and finally, Spot was very tired after her adventure so she paused with a big yawn.

Big yawn

Big yawn

That was all the woodworking I did this week.  Well, I did order more scroll saw blades, but a list of blades I bought seemed dull compared to action packed cat pictures.

If you need me – I’ll be in the shop

About Andrew Reynolds

Born in California Did the school thing studying electronics, computers, release engineering and literary criticism. I worked in the high tech world doing software release engineering and am now retired. Then I got prostate cancer. Now I am a blogger and work in my wood shop doing scroll saw work and marquetry.
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37 Responses to Wednesday Woodworking – Kitty Ladder

  1. You’ll have to teach them how to go down backwards. I’m sure it’s much safer. I’ve never seen a cat climb a ladder, up or down. Can you get more pics of that?


  2. Debra says:

    I’d be tempted to climb those stairs to have that view! If the neighborhood cats get a glimpse of yours up in that loft sunning themselves I hope you’re prepared for them to put in a work order. These ladders and ledges could become very popular!


  3. pommepal says:

    Now that is 5 star cat accommodation.


  4. davidprosser says:

    Looks like it’s a tiring life being a kitty round you but the accommodation is First Class all the way. Are we all set for sleepovers with the neighbourhood cats now?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great pictures☺and lucky kitties 🐱


  6. artseafartsea says:

    That ladder is the perfect thing for the little darlings. Your wife takes a really great picture. Cats are not great posers for pictures.


  7. Carrie Rubin says:

    Careful. Soon all the cats will be lined up down your street, wanting access…


  8. George says:

    Wow…this is like Beverly Hills cat living..:)


  9. I’d love to be a cat in your house. I always want the high ground. Did you do the casings around the windows, too?


  10. Allan G. Smorra says:

    The ladder is the perfect addition. Great photos, Andrew.


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