Friday Wisdom – Teaching

“The best way to learn is to teach.”

This is something my father told me whenever I announced that I needed to learn something.

More wise thoughts next week.  Possibly one of my own.


About Andrew Reynolds

Born in California Did the school thing studying electronics, computers, release engineering and literary criticism. I worked in the high tech world doing software release engineering and am now retired. Then I got prostate cancer. Now I am a blogger and work in my wood shop doing scroll saw work and marquetry.
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16 Responses to Friday Wisdom – Teaching

  1. My dad would always tell me, “It wasn’t meant to be,” when I’d be upset about things not going my way. I thought that was pretty good advice, too.


  2. pommepal says:

    Best way of reinforcing learning


  3. Dave Foyle says:

    Hmm….I always thought that it was supposed to involve staying up until 3AM cramming with lots of coffee! 🙂 Now I know why I didn’t get an A on my college Linear Algebra test!


  4. Annika Perry says:

    I think having to explain something verbally – teach – is always a good way to learn about the subject – our own strong and weak points and learn accordingly.


  5. PiedType says:

    I’d not heard that before, but it certainly makes sense and I’ll remember it.


  6. I teach that to my students, too. Often, I have them teach the class–including me!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. George says:

    That’s a great quote. Never heard it before but it’s very true.


  8. Allan G. Smorra says:

    Wise words. I have found that I didn’t know as much as I thought I did whenever I prepared to teach someone else how to do a task.


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