Wednesday Poetry – River

Not much in the wood shop this week so rather than more pictures of post holes here is a bit of work-in-progress from my next poetry collection, “Poems, Poetry, and Peanut Butter”:

Life’s waters flow
under the shaky bridge of certainty.
Gazing upstream the endless possibilities
rush down, threatening to burst the banks.
Downstream the water breaks over the rocks,
picking up the clarity of twig, leaf and mud.

The future lost around the bend.
The present foams and froths
as the past crashes into bridge,
strike the anchors of now,
as the river carves a new world.

If you need me – I’ll be out back complaining about my back,


About Andrew Reynolds

Born in California Did the school thing studying electronics, computers, release engineering and literary criticism. I worked in the high tech world doing software release engineering and am now retired. Then I got prostate cancer. Now I am a blogger and work in my wood shop doing scroll saw work and marquetry.
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12 Responses to Wednesday Poetry – River

  1. elizabeth ann johnson-murphree says:

    Have enjoyed all of your recent post and past ones as well. I some of your past writing I am in agreement with your thoughts. I believe that most humans are afraid to live, death is not our biggest fear…to pursue to take risk that is living. I work every day to practice what I “preach”…live life one day at a time. Ann


  2. Great job on this one, Andrew. Keep going!


  3. Anything about nature catches my attention. Well-described, Andrew.


  4. JoHanna Massey says:

    A most excellent poem, Andrew.
    Oh I love the imagery of every line, my favorite being ‘the future around the bend’ and ‘the shaky bridge of uncertainty.’ Thank you so much for sharing this and my best to you with the painful back. 🐞


    • I always think that a poem should invoke some kind of image.

      Liked by 1 person

      • JoHanna Massey says:

        And each individual person will envision their own personal shaky bridge, river, stream, rocks, and streams …. While your beautiful poem remains intact and whole, moving us forward. Just way too cool, Andrew. So well done.🐞


  5. Chris White says:

    What a great poem, Andrew. I particularly like the ‘shaky bridge of uncertainty”.
    Really enjoyed it. All the best. Kris.


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