Friday Wisdom – Kid Funnies

Today we were over at the children’s center helping with the school supply distribution so here are a bunch of jokes that even kids would like:

How do oceans say hello to each other? They wave.

What does your brother say when you try to take his cheese? Nacho cheese.

What do Santa’s elves learn in school? the elf-abet.

A pirate’s favorite letter is Rrrrrr!

What did 0 say to 8? Cool belt.

What do you get when a cow jumps on a trampoline? A milk shake.

Did you know that pigs are great a karate? Yes, they do pork chops all the time.

Warning, don’t spell part backwards … it’s a trap.

I had this weird dream where I was eating a giant marshmallow. When I woke up my pillow was gone.

I was trying to write a pizza joke, but decided it was too cheesy.

It’s weird, but the more this towel dries, the wetter it gets.

I don’t understand, if we’re not supposed to eat at night, why is there a light in the fridge?

I’ve been writing a song about tortillas; well, really, it’s more of a rap …

About Andrew Reynolds

Born in California Did the school thing studying electronics, computers, release engineering and literary criticism. I worked in the high tech world doing software release engineering and am now retired. Then I got prostate cancer. Now I am a blogger and work in my wood shop doing scroll saw work and marquetry.
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25 Responses to Friday Wisdom – Kid Funnies

  1. Ha! I love these! Thanks for some innocent giggles. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dave says:

    I had to dwell on the one about 0 and 8 more than I care to admit, but I finally got it. Yuck yuck!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yep, funny! Just like the corny jokes we used to tell as kids and now my granddaughter tries to tell me.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. These made me smile.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Baydreamer says:

    I love the “light in the fridge.” Have a good weekend, Andrew!


  6. I like the milk shake one the best, I think. 🙂 Always so cute and funny! Stay cool and happy!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. jfwknifton says:

    Still got it !!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. lifelessons says:

    Ha. I’m not a big joke person but these are actually funny. Love them. Especially the belt one, which took me a minute.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. davidprosser says:

    I’ll have to try these on my grandchildren Andrew but a bit less cheese content next time please as it makes me burp.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. megdavisarts says:

    Remember when we used to tell jokes years ago ? They were really long, I mean really long. Some of the jokes took a lot of thinking to figure out before it would hit you too.
    I used to know a great joke about not putting all your Basques in one exit but it was such a long joke I lost most of it in the network of my brain. Somewhere in there is the rest of the joke and it’ll all probably meet up someday. I’ll blurt it out and the people around me will wonder if I need a little more medication.

    Liked by 3 people

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