As The Pizza Cooks — Episode 26

So this morning I had this really great idea for a blog post.  Yeah, can’t remember a bit of it now.  It was something to do with how this one word could mean two very different things.  I promise that if I could remember what the word was, you’d be very entertained.  I knew I should have written it down when I thought of it, but I was driving at the time and didn’t want to pull over.  I had paper and two pencils so I could have, I just didn’t.

Thinking about it now, I suppose I could have recorded it on my cell phone as a voice memo.  Could have, but I’ve never done that before and I only just thought of it now.  That thought would have been more helpful eight hours ago when I was thinking of the word and all its meanings.  Of course there was the whole, “I’m driving and don’t want to stop to look at my phone.” I didn’t have my phone plugged into AppleCarPlay so I couldn’t ask Siri to help.  Actually I’m not really sure where my phone was while I was driving — mostly I was thinking about the word and the tailgater behind me.

Have you noticed that as you get older you forget peoples names, movie titles, books you’ve read and so on?  It’s happening to me more and more.  I don’t worry about it too much as most of my friends have the same thing.  We have conversations like this:

“Remember that movie with that famous actor.”

“Yeah, the one where he arrested the son of the rancher. Rio something.”

“Yes, that’s the one I’m talking about.”

It can take a few minutes to fill in all the details and often requires the use of a cell phone and google.  By the time we figure out what movie we were talking about, we forget why we were talking about that movie.

It seems to happen a lot.  Just the other day I was in the backyard and saw this stack of irrigation parts and started to organize them to take them into the shed.  After a few minutes I realized that I still had open trenches in the lawn and these parts needed to go there, not back to the workshop.

Yes, I’ve been digging trenches again.  It’s just part of having a garden in the desert.  Plants need water, water freezes in the winter so you burry the water pipes so they don’t freeze.  If you want plants, you dig.

But I didn’t come here today to talk about my memory or gardens.  I wanted to talk blogs and writing projects.  Hang on, I think I made notes about this, be right back …

Nope, can’t find ‘em.  I’m not even sure I made them.  

Well, I’m a big believer in following the creative energy and doing those things that energize you and drop the things that don’t.  I’ve written a lot of posts on this blog over the years, 1,327 to be exact and in the last few months I’ve been feeling less and less energized about writing here, but I don’t want to drop it completely.  I have been enjoying the “As the Music Plays” posts so likely I do those irregularly and the occasional pizza post, but not much else.  This Friday I sat down to do a post with a my assortment of Friday jokes, but honestly it started to feel like I’ve told all those before.  I didn’t really have the creative energy to slog though another set so I didn’t do it.  I’ve done 381 of those “wisdom” posts and it’s now time to stop that.  I might start up again, but for now, I’m done.

I have a few other writing projects I’ll be devoting time to and for now I won’t be posting here as much as I used to.  How often? Not sure, maybe a couple times a month and likely more about my other writing interests.

This would have been a more fun post if I could have just remembered that word, sorry.

About Andrew Reynolds

Born in California Did the school thing studying electronics, computers, release engineering and literary criticism. I worked in the high tech world doing software release engineering and am now retired. Then I got prostate cancer. Now I am a blogger and work in my wood shop doing scroll saw work and marquetry.
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24 Responses to As The Pizza Cooks — Episode 26

  1. Lakshmi Bhat says:

    The word did not really matter by the end of the post 😊 . I enjoyed your post and I hope you continue writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Join the club, Andrew! The “what is that word, that name, that whatever” club where we can’t quite bring it up to the forefront of our minds. Unfortunately, I do this all the time. If I don’t write down a blog post idea, it buries itself somewhere (kinda like your buried pipes – ha!). Now, what was I going to say? Oh yeah, now that I’ve turned 70, I’m sure this is only going to get more frequent.

    Liked by 1 person

    • One time I did write a big document on blogging ideas. I saved it on my computer, no idea where or what file name and short of opening every document, I’ll never find it again. 😉


  3. I sympathize with your word/idea loss – I don’t know how many times I’ve thought, “Oh, that’s an idea for a blog post!” Ten minutes later? Gone. The thing I hate most about those vanished ideas is that the less chance there is of remembering them, the more brilliant they seem to have been. 🙂

    Enjoy your break!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We all need a break. Last year honesty, I didn’t feel like writing. Somehow I did, but it was painful. We will still be here. I might just take a break this summer too. I’ve been Blogging 9 years. Like you, I’m focusing on other things. That’s the beauty of life, do what makes us happy, remove what doesn’t bring joy.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pied Type says:

    Oh man, you’re preaching to the choir here. And it’s SO frustrating! Did I do such-and-such? Or only think about doing it? Did I take that pill this morning, or was that yesterday morning? (Thank goodness for those 7-day pill boxes!) What did I have for dinner last night? Hell, what did I have for dinner three hours ago? And the names thing. People, places, or things. (Obviously we just need a way to optimize our internal hard drives.)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dave says:

    From my experience, the best posts are when a topic hits you over the head and you can sit right down and write about it. The words tend to be full of “spontaneity” (needed spell-check for that one). But like you, I’m typically multi-tasking when a topic comes to mind, and it flies out of my brain as quickly as it entered. It’s so annoying, and more common as we age. I used to be very good at recognizing actors the moment they showed up on the screen. I’m still good at it, but darned if I can remember their names without Google or IMDB now.

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s spelled correctly. In my youth, my friends and I would watch Star Trek reruns and we could name the episode within about 15 seconds of the show starting. These days I can’t even remember the plots of most of those shows. After so many years of blogging I’m starting to feel like I’ve already written about most of the ideas that float through my head. It’s just time to change things up a bit.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I believe I remember you telling me that we have to go where creativity takes us. (Paraphrasing) I am glad to see you following your heart. Life is to short to live for clicks and stats. You do best doing what you love. I am happy to see you realize that. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m a big believer in following the energy and will say it often. Less often I actually follow my own advice. This is one of those times I decided to listen to me. 😉


  8. Yes, but we’ve forgotten all your Friday posts so would be entertained again anyway! I have my own posts scheduled through July, although I’ve dropped back to twice a week. I see I’ve got 102 more started, but I wonder how many are worth finishing. hmmm Guess I should work on one of the four manuscripts that are nudging at me. When you don’t show up here on Friday’s, I’m gonna believe you’re serious about that novel you mentioned!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I might do some reposting on the “wisdom” stuff. We’ll see if that works. At one point I was trying to do three posts a week, but that was just too much and to distracting for other projects. Now I’m thinking of a couple of big posts a month and maybe a couple of shorter reposts a month. We’ll see if that helps me make progress on my novel.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I think you’ve been hanging out in my house, or maybe bugged it. Husby and I talk a lot during the day, often just trying to track down what we were trying to say.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Being weary creating blog posts happens to everyone Andrew. Take a break from what you’re not enjoying.

    Liked by 1 person

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