Friday Wisdom — Cats

Had to take the kitties to the vet this week for their annual check so here’s everything I know about cats:

A cat is a small furry mammal that is always on the wrong side of the door.

My cats said they wanted a new bed so I went to the fur-niture store.

What’s more common than a talking cat? A spelling bee.

Did you know that some kinds of felines actually know how to bowl? Yup, alley cats.

Did you hear about the cat that got arrested? It was littering.

Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

Cats are great at video games, they have 9 lives.

Don’t play poker with cats in a jungle, too many cheetahs.

How many cats can you put in an empty box? Just one, then it’s not empty.

There’s only on animal smarter than a talking cat … a spelling bee.

What button on the TV remote do cats like the best? Paws.

Lights run on electricity and cars run on gas. What do cats run on? There paws.

My neighbor was talking to her cat like it understood her. It was so funny that I went home and told my dog about it.

My cats are afraid of trees. I think it’s because of the bark.

My friend’s cat lost its tail. He had to take the cat to a retail store.

Cats are very good story tellers. Well they only have one tail …

So how did the cat get the first prize at the bird show? Someone didn’t shut the bird cage properly.

About Andrew Reynolds

Born in California Did the school thing studying electronics, computers, release engineering and literary criticism. I worked in the high tech world doing software release engineering and am now retired. Then I got prostate cancer. Now I am a blogger and work in my wood shop doing scroll saw work and marquetry.
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17 Responses to Friday Wisdom — Cats

  1. I saw a funny meme about cats (one of the millions). Now that comments can include links, I will have to find it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay cats!!!!! Telling the story to the dog and the cat getting first prize at the bird show are my faves. Thanks for the smiles, Andrew! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the chuckles! I’m sure your kitties are glad to have their vet visit over for another year. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I just took my 14 year old cat to the vet, because she was losing weight and doesn’t want to eat much anymore. I thought maybe it was because she is getting old. Turns out she has Stage 2 Kidney failure. Vet gave me special renal cat food and she will not eat that either. Prescribed special medicine to put inside her ear to encourage appetite. It did nothing.

    I am about to lose a good friend and there is nothing I can do about it. There is no cure for this. I feel helpless.


  5. Fridays and cat groaners, just the best. Thanks, Andrew!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pied Type says:

    As a longtime cat servant, I loved this! (And coincidentally, my kitty goes to the vet next week for his annual check-up.)

    Liked by 2 people

  7. You had me at ‘cats’. I hope your babies did OK. Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

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