Just Stuff

The holiday season is firmly upon us and again my hopes of doing lots of stuff in the workshop haven’t worked out as well as I’d like.  There was a few moments this afternoon when I thought I’d write this really great post on …

But, the Christmas decoration boxes are in the living room.  There are rumors of a meal without turkey and I think even a possibility of hot cider.  So here are just a few words and pictures to bring you up to date on some of my recent stuff.

On the house repair front, we’ve had building inspector out to do the rough inspection.  He signed off on the work so far so this next week our electrician will be back to finish wiring up the new circuits.  While it won’t let me make tea and toast at the same time, it will let me run a heater in my shop for these long cold nights.  Here is the new main service:

The new electrical service

The new electrical service

I’ll need the heat to finish a couple of wood working projects I’ve go going.  One is this gum ball kicker toy I am working on:

Gum ball kicker game in progress.

Gum ball kicker game in progress.

It’s been difficult to get much shop time this last week with work being crazy, the wiring in my shop torn up and traveling to visit family.  We drove back from the grand kid’s house yesterday and traffic was just simply horrible.  What should have been a pleasant four and half hour drive was a six-hour nightmare of heavy traffic, bad drivers and impatient people in line at Starbucks.

Mostly I am just happy to be finished with last week and am looking forward to getting outlets installed:

Electrical outlet box

Coming soon to a box near your.

and getting some heat in the shop, working getting less crazy and finishing up some projects.

Till next week,

About Andrew Reynolds

Born in California Did the school thing studying electronics, computers, release engineering and literary criticism. I worked in the high tech world doing software release engineering and am now retired. Then I got prostate cancer. Now I am a blogger and work in my wood shop doing scroll saw work and marquetry.
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